
又名:你家是我的事 / 房仲女王 / Ieuru onna / Your Home is My Business

主演:北川景子 工藤阿须加 仲村亨 千叶雄大 井本绚子 铃木裕树  新木优子 臼田麻美 梶原善 

导演:猪股隆一 / 佐久间纪佳 / 编剧:大石静 Shizuka Oishi



日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 卖房子的女人(全10集-简繁字幕)Ieuru.onna.Complete.720p.HDTV.x26
2019-05-12 卖房子的女人(全10集-简繁字幕)Ieuru.onna.Complete.720p.HDTV.x26
2019-05-12 卖房子的女人 家売るオンナ


Plot Summary:With four years left before Tokyo hosts the 2020 Summer Olympics, housing sales are fiercely competitive. At this time, Sangenya Machi, an excellent real estate agent, appears. She is single, 30-years-old and has an attractive appearance. With any of her clients. Machi must get a purchase. Machi has her own unique way to get her customers to buy the homes. Her unique method includes getting involved in the problems of her clients and their families. She then solves their problems. With her ingenious ways, all of Machi's customers purchase homes from her.
眼看东京奥运会越来越近,东京的地皮价格也直线攀升,房地产业迎来久违的大热时期。某城市一隅,经营着一家看似优哉游哉的房地产公司,公司课长(仲村亨 饰)是烂好人一枚,他本人早已过了为事业拼命而不顾一切的阶段,所以手下除了小帅哥足立聪(千叶雄大 饰)干练出众外,其他大多是混吃等 死或者能力不足的废柴。这一天,传说中的销售天才三轩家万智(北川景子 饰)被总部派来担任公司主任,据说在三轩家那里完全没有卖不出去的房子,她的战绩令同侪瞠目结舌。   销售业绩为零的庭野(工藤阿须加 饰)被迫和三轩家主任搭档,而他将见识到这个魔鬼女性神乎其神的一面……
