
又名:九州·天空城 / Novaland: The Castle in the Sky

主演:张若昀 关晓彤 刘畅 鞠婧祎 陈若轩 张鲁一 刘敏 阿丽亚 卫延侃 刘俊孝 赵健 杨金承 汤晶媚 朱圣祎 贾征宇 

导演:杨磊 / 编剧:唐缺 Que Tang/张炭 Cheung Tan/任莎 Sha Ren/徐熙青/李俞洁/杨之立/倪珊珊




Plot Summary:In the ancient time, the human honored the winged clan as gods for their ability to fly and to build a castle in the sky. The day when the castle was to be lifted off the ground an explosion destroyed it. A human girl was suspected to have the done deed. However, a man from the winged clan didn't believe it and saved her life. As it turned out, it was a faction of the winged clan trying to start a war with the humans in order to expand their control.
这是一个人族和羽族共存的世界,两个迥异的种族在经历了漫长的战争之后终于迎来了短暂而又脆弱的和平时期,然而,羽族赖以为生的星流花粉日渐稀少,使得羽族势力日渐孱弱,与此同时,人族暗地里制造了天空城想要制衡羽族,两族之间一场恶战在所难免。   易茯苓(关晓彤 饰)是一位平凡的羽族少女,为了寻找青梅竹马的人族皇子白庭君(流畅 饰),她不惜背井离乡,跋山涉水。然而,羽皇风天逸(张若昀 饰)却在阴差阳错之中和易茯苓一同卷入了麻烦之中,而风天逸早就知道,易茯苓的真实身份,正是百年难遇的星流花神转世。可是,若易茯苓体内的星流花神觉醒,也就意味着易茯苓这个单纯可爱的女孩将不复存在,为了保护最心爱的人,风天逸不惜与整个世界为敌。
