
又名:Aitsu to watashi / He and I


主演:吉永小百合 石原裕次郎 Yûjirô Ishihara 宫口精二 Seiji Miyaguchi 轰夕起子 Yukiko Todoroki 芦川泉 Izumi Ashikawa 泷泽修 Osamu Takizawa 清水将夫 Masao Shimizu 高野由美 酒井和歌子 Wakako Sakai 中原早苗 Sanae Nakahara 高田敏江 Toshie Takada 吉行和子 Kazuko Yoshiyuki 笹森礼子 Reiko Sasamori 

导演:中平康 Kô Nakahira / 编剧:石坂洋次郎 Yojiro Ishizaka/中平康 Kô Nakahira





Plot Summary:As in so many other countries, the 1960s are a time of cultural change and upheaval in Japan. Political protesters take to the streets, social conventions are being questioned, and the youth craves for a new way of life. The film's protagonist Saburo, a student, embodies all these trends. He meets Keiko, who is both attracted and repulsed by his attitude. But there is also a dark family history lurking in the background. NAKAHIRA takes up elements of his earlier films about the new youth culture and skillfully combines them with the genre of family drama.
