Plot Summary:Assorted Gems is the hilarious, heartwarming story of four siblings, all named after gemstones, who learn to live together and get along with one another in their family's boarding house. Jade is the eldest of the family, a demanding perfectionist with her heart set on marrying a rich man who will rescue her from poverty. Ruby, a nurse who is also determined to marry rich, begins to fall for another tenant. Coral, their younger brother, is a hardworking law school graduate preparing for the bar exam. The youngest son, Amber, is an aspiring actor. Presiding over these eclectic four and the tenants of their boarding house is patriarch Gung Sang Shik, who is going through a mid-life crisis at age 55, and their irresponsible, shop-a-holic mother. Sparks fly between parents, siblings, and tenants as many conflicting personalities struggle to reside under one roof.