深海探险队Master of the Abyss(1999)

主演:Robin Ward 

导演:Jane Armstrong / 





Plot Summary:Earth is an ocean planet. Water covers over seventy percent of its surface at an average depth of two miles. Yet at the beginning of the twentieth century, though human explorers have navigated the earth and soared through the skies, one earthly realm remains silent and hostile: The deep. Its crushing pressures kill all who attempt to invade its forbidden darkness. Then, in 1930, an adventurous scientist and a wealthy dreamer undertake a daring voyage in a tiny steel capsule, to a place no living man has ever gone. Success will make them ocean science pioneers. Failure will end in death. Awaiting them... beckoning them... is a fantastic unexplored universe. This is the story of these first intrepid descents into the abyss.
随同探险先锋潜入虚无缥缈的漆黑深海   二十世纪初期的探险家早已造访了地球上的各个角落,但仍有一处未知的领域等待人们去探索。探险先锋威廉毕比置身于特制的中空“深海探测球"中,首度潜入深达三千尺不为人知的深海世界。在这滴水便可穿骨的强大深海压力下,他将以生命为赌注进行一埸致命的冒险之旅。
