Behind the yellow door(2015)



主演:Lou Castel 

导演:Lucas Vernier / 编剧:Lucas Vernier

Behind the yellow door:在线播放

Behind the yellow door:最新迅雷BT资源

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Behind the yellow door:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:This imaginary documentary tells the story of a post-mortem meeting between a young French filmmaker and his former neighbor, Lutz Dille, a great photographer who sank into oblivion of the history of art.
少年時期古怪鄰居一封神秘照片邀請卡,未曾赴約的遺憾,讓導演重返故居,打開黃色大門探索秘密寶藏。從櫃屜中翻出一張張生動的街拍照片,天馬行空的想像力也四處蔓延;他去過哪裡?有什麼故事?為何而拍?仿第一人稱訴說奇異繽紛的藝術人生,這是與已逝的知名街拍攝影家Lutz DILLE再次相遇。
