
又名:The Wages of Resistance: Narita Stories

上映日期:2014-10-09(中国台湾) / 2014-11-22(日本)片长:140分钟


导演:大津幸四郎 / 



日期 资源名称
2022-09-16 the.wages.of.resistance.narita.stories.2014.japane



Plot Summary:The Wages of Resistance is a feature-length documentary film that portrays an \"extended span of time\" of the protests against building Narita International Airport which have continued from the 1960's to today through documenting monologues of those whose lives were twisted by the movement. After forty-five years, I revisited the Sanrizuka airport land. What did I see there and what attracted my attention that prompted me to film? \"In the beginning was the Word.\" In the beginning, everything is brought out into broad daylight to be scrutinised and dissected by words and reason; to be verbalised and hanged out to dry. On the other hand, the world of films is a world of shadows swaying endlessly. The minute you think you caught them; they slip through your fingers. The mesh of words must be too big to verbalise them. They are gone. This film recounts the forty-six years of struggles of the Sanrizuka farmers opposing the new airport and the government's powerful oppression from time to time, through the sober eyes of present day farmers. However imperfect the airport might be, it has been built and it is inevitable to conclude that the farmers lost the struggle. The farmers are still farming in the land while casting side glances at the planes taking off and landing. They continue to live there. Their lives and minds must be wavering in conflicting courses. We quietly placed our camera by their side and made a tranquil document of their monologues.
1960年代にはじまった成田空港建設反対闘争を、当事者である成田市三里塚の人々の証言から描いたドキュメンタリー。小川紳介監督による三里塚シリーズ第1作「日本解放戦線 三里塚の夏」や土本典昭監督の「水俣シリーズ」を手がけたカメラマンの大津幸四郎と、映像作家・プロデューサー の代島治彦が共同で監督を務め、大津が撮影、代島が編集を担当。小川監督が残した三里塚についてのアーカイブ映像と大津が新たに撮りおろした映像、さらに写真家・北井一夫が三里塚をとらえた写真を交錯させながら、国家権力に抵抗した人々の生きざまと現在の思いを映しだす。自宅と田畑を強制収用された大木よねの「戦闘宣言」を女優の吉行和子が、22歳で自死した青年行動隊リーダー三ノ宮文男の遺書を俳優の井浦新が朗読する。 ----------------------------------- 成田機場的飛機起起降降,隨著鏡頭,導演帶我們穿越機場旁的小徑,「空港粉碎」的牌子依舊豎立,而那幾戶自1966年的抗爭運動後,堅持不搬離,在這裡幾乎度過一生的人家,緩緩道出他們的回憶與心情。 1966年,日本政府在沒有與居民溝通的情況下,決定要在三里塚地區興建機場。此舉引發農民們奮起反對,並贏得了學生們與日本各地社運者的支持,就此展開數年的激烈抗爭,罔顧民主正義的政府與不畏懼國家暴力的人們,皆付出了沉痛的代價。 45年過去了,當年拍攝《三里塚之夏》而被捕的攝影師大津幸四郎,如今回到昔日戰場反思這場運動;片中穿插了小川「三里塚系列」作品的畫面,也有許多從未公開的第一手抗爭影像。從當下回首過去,每人對待過去和政治投入度截然不同,但「信念」在他們心中未曾消失過。 本片是一趟時間之旅,描繪出三里塚的動人景象,安靜卻充滿力量。究竟,改變世界是否可能?時間又留下了什麼?
