
又名:Under the Sun in the Town


主演:施宁 范艳 

导演:张国志 / 编剧:张国志/李莽




Plot Summary:A funeral, a facial make-up, and a strange encounter, evoked Xie Pine, the hero, his doubts for life and thoughts on possibility of an alternative lifestyle. After his grandma's funeral, Xie Ping went back to the provincial capital to continue his job as an insurance agent. Some day, his client Gong Cheng died in a traffic accident. While his insurance firm was indemnifying the dead's family, Gong Cheng's mother could not stand her suffering and committed suicide through jumping down from a high building. Meanwhile, Xie Ping had also been weary of his ordinary life. He felt gradually that the provincial capital had been not his destination for heart. Therefore Xie Ping began to reconsider his life value. Finally in response to an inner calling, he went back to Pancheng, his hometown, to cook food for his parents, to accompany his parents, and to experience his leisure life. His decision met with opposition, both of his girlfriend Tian Ying and his parents. But, Xie Ping didn't want to change his resolution.
一次葬礼、一张脸谱、一次异样的邂逅,引发了男主角谢平对自己生活的质疑和对于生活的另外一种可能性的思考。   奶奶葬礼过后,谢平回到省城,继续在保险公司工作。一天,他的客户宫诚在一次车祸中遇难,公司在对他家属进行赔付的时候,宫诚的母亲因失去儿子痛不欲生而跳楼自杀。同时,谢平也厌倦了他那个圈子的生活。他渐渐感到省城不是自己的心灵归宿。由此,谢平重新考虑自己生活的价值问题。他决定听从自己内心的召唤,回到攀城生活,给父母做饭,陪伴父母生活,在闲适的生活中体味人生。他的决定遭到了女朋友田英的反对,父母也不赞同他的想法。但是,谢平并不想改变自己的决定……
