
又名:Ganjisu gawa de batafurai

主演:长泽雅美 塚本高史 中谷美纪 石桥莲司 竹下景子 

导演:李斗士男 / 编剧:宫藤官九郎 Kankurô Kudô



日期 资源名称
2021-08-25 【480p标清中文字幕】在恒河游蝶泳迅雷下载.2007.535.5mb.torrent
2019-05-11 水晶帘卷近秋河8
2019-05-11 岁岁金河复玉关5
2019-05-11 岁岁金河复玉关1.com
2019-05-11 岁岁金河复玉关2
2019-05-11 岁岁金河复玉关3
2019-05-11 水晶帘卷近秋河6



Plot Summary:Teruko, a third year university student, comes across as a forthright and sunny girl but is in truth a rather timid person. She's also the sort who easily gets carried away and does things impetuously only to regret her actions later. Influenced by her older brother who has taken to wandering the world, Teruko too hopes to make her own journey one day but she lacks the courage, content to live the life of a normal university student - However, she's also plagued with the insecurity of having done nothing she can be proud of in her lifetime, and mustering all her courage embarks on a solo trip to India - While in India, she meets a fellow backpacker, Shingo. Teruko first regards Shingo as a frivolous person but as his encouraging words clear her hesitation and touches her, she falls in love with him. Then, Teruko plans to head to Bodh Gaya to see India's biggest festival but Shingo.
应届大学毕业生照子(长泽雅美 饰)找工作面试时总会被问的哑口无言,发现自己的人生阅历少之又少,在一次面试过程中,照子被问到自己的理想是什么,受到爱四处旅游的哥哥的影响,照子突然大声喊出:“想在恒河游蝶泳!”令人大跌眼镜的是,照子真的只身一人来到了印度。   迎接她的是全然陌生的国度、习惯、信仰。之前认为理所当然的行为准则到了印度通通不适用。起初的不适应让照子惊慌失措,在经历的接二连三的乌龙事件后,照子遇见了同样来自日本在印度旅行的青年慎悟(塚本高史 饰)。慎悟给了照子很多建议和帮助,满以为遇到贵人的照子,在不防备间被慎悟偷走了行李和钱。心灰意冷的照子却在最低谷处遇上了一个好心的印度家庭,不仅提供吃住,还把照子当自家孩子看。但此行的目的仍未达到,哪怕不舍离开,照子还是踏上了去往恒河的路。一路风尘和曲折,但回过头尽是奇妙的体验,且这些经历仅此在印度发生。
