夺命关头Time Lapse(2001)


主演:罗伊·谢德 迪娜·迈耶 威廉·麦克纳马拉 

导演:戴维·沃思 / 编剧:戴维·基思·米勒/Karen Kelly





Plot Summary:Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
克雷顿皮尔斯(William McNamara)的工作一直都是高危险、吃力且出人意表的。但一夕之间,事情变得更险恶了。在一次工作简报上,他在不知情的情况下被下药,那是一种会使他在几天内记忆全失的药物,最后也会使他失去他的身分。唯一能帮助他的是他的前妻凯特(Dina Meyer)。他必须先放下和前妻的歧见并专注在眼前最重要的事─跟时间赛跑和生存。就算对一个习惯挑战的警探而言,这次的目标还是充满艰难险阻……
