Plot Summary:Based in England, Nikhil Mathur is employed as an Investment Banker and has a idealist girlfriend in Radhika Awasthi. His friend, Jignesh Patel, works as a Security Guard in a mall and is the guardian of Veer, his late sister's son, and under close scrutiny of the Social Services Department. Global recession takes a toll on Nikhil - he not only loses his job but also his investments, while Jignesh gets fired for failing to prevent theft by a minor. Nikhil is unable to find employment and after Jignesh gets fired from yet another job, the duo end up working as male escorts with 'Desi Boyz' as Rocco and Hunter, and bring in enough income to keep them going. Radhika soon finds out and dumps Nikhil, while a Social Worker, Vikrant Mehra, takes custody of Veer and has him placed in a foster home. With their lives turned upside down, the duo blame each other and part company. Unable to even speak with Radhika, Nikhil is dismayed when he finds her in the company of a new boyfriend, Ajay Bapat. With the adverse publicity generated by their involvement as male escorts - and the recession holding strong - what will the duo do in a country where people, including educationists, racially profile ethnic minorities with impunity.
尼基(约翰·亚伯拉罕 John Abraham 饰)和杰瑞(阿克谢·库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)是结识多年的好友,两人之间的友谊十分坚实。经融危机的来临让他们失去了唯一的经济来源,糟糕的是,尼基需要筹得聘礼迎娶心爱的女友,而杰瑞则有小外甥需要抚养,两个大男人眼看就要落入走投无路的境地。 情况紧急之下,尼基和杰瑞决定去当男公关,他们改名换姓,隐藏起了真实的身份。令两人没有想到的是,他们竟然意外的适合这样一份特殊的工作,不仅获得了观众们的喜爱,还赚得盆满钵满。可是,纸终究包不住火,得知真相的女友离开了尼基,杰瑞亦丧失了外甥的抚养权,他们再度陷入了困境之中。