天蝎星座Sotto il segno dello scorpione(1969)

又名:Under the Sign of Scorpio


主演:吉安·马里亚·沃隆特 Lucia Bosé Giulio Brogi 

导演:保罗·塔维亚尼 / 维托里奥·塔维亚尼 / 编剧:保罗·塔维安尼 Paolo Taviani/维克托里奥·塔维亚尼 Vittorio Taviani





Plot Summary:A devastating volcanic eruption on a remote island forces the remaining islanders to flee to the safety of the mainland, far away from the seismic epicentre. Cast ashore in a strange and unknown place, deprived of food, water and shelter, the small group of survivors must rapidly seek for nourishment as well as for a new location to call home once again. Inevitably, their search will bring them up against the mainlanders, who are not quite willing to abandon their homes for a new beginning with the newcomers. Alas, a conflict is brewing and the fine balance of life is bound to be disturbed with unknown results...
