野蛮大屠杀:一部喜剧Brutal Massacre: A Comedy(2007)


主演:David Naughton Brian O'Halloran Gerry Bednob 

导演:Stevan Mena / 编剧:Stevan Mena



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Brutal.Massacre.A.Comedy.2007.Proper.Limited.DVDRi



Plot Summary:Harry Penderecki, a once heralded horror auteur, finds himself on the outside looking in at Hollywood. He hasn't had a hit film in years, and most in the industry, including his close friends, think he's washed up. Harry is given one last chance to redeem himself with what could be his best or last picture. Brutal Massacre becomes just that, as the cast and crew find themselves battling one mishap after another as Harry struggles to keep his sanity against overwhelming resistance to finish the picture and find himself at the top once again.
恐怖片导演哈瑞•潘德雷基(David Naughton 大卫•诺顿 饰)执导过多部卖座影片,曾经风光一时,但最近几年他的事业急转直下,连着几部作品高开低走,他发现自己正被历史所淘汰。   幸运的是,哈瑞又得到一次导演恐怖片的机会,但这也是最后一次机会。一旦失败,他将彻底从这个圈子淡出。生死存亡之际,哈瑞将宝全部压在这部可以再次证明其大师地位的影片——《野蛮大屠杀》上。然而似乎命运就是和他过不去,拍摄过程中状况不断,令哈瑞疲于奔命……   本片荣获2007年长岛国际电影节最佳导演奖。
