对此承诺Pledge This!(2006)



主演:Paris Hilton Paula Garcés Sarah Carter 

导演:William Heins / 




Plot Summary:At popular South Beach University (Miami), filthy rich super-snob Victoria English is the absolute queen of leading Greek student club, Sigma Sigma. In order to achieve her crowning ambition, winning FHM Magazine's annual best sorority, she must recruit atypical 'Sigmies' to fulfill the diversity criteria. Ambitious sycophant pledge Kristen Haas helps her attract 'losers' (too poor, ugly, unfashionable), who are cruelly put through excruciating hazing, without intent to actually enroll them. Gloria, the brightest and most assertive pledge, wins the heart of Derek 'baby Dick', Victoria's ideal, yet constantly abused boyfriend, whose bitch-addiction is cured by this alternative lover. Together they lead the revolt of the not-even-nerds.
这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的性喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……   片中帕里斯·希尔顿所饰演的维多利亚·英格利施是一个令所有女孩羡慕而令所有男孩希望可以拥有的美貌而富有的女人。 维多利亚是"Gamma Gamma"女生联谊会的主席,这是迈阿密南海滩大学最顶尖的女生联谊会。只有能达到维多利亚严格标准的女孩才能被接受入会。当著名时尚杂志FHM《男人帮》评选Gamma Gamma为美国最性感的女生联谊会时,维多利亚决定借此来利用FHM杂志的拍照及宣传机会...
