世界纪录World Record(2003)


主演:维克多·威廉姆斯 John Wesley 阿莱克斯·费尔南德斯 艾莉森·史密斯 塔拉·斯特朗 Matt McKenzie 凯文·迈克尔·理查德森 Julia Fletcher 东地宏树 

导演:Takeshi Koike / 编剧:川尻善昭



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [2009.德国柏林田径世锦赛男子100米决赛.博尔特.9秒58.世界纪录].IAAF.Berlin


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 The Animatrix EP06


Plot Summary:Dan ran a 100 meters world record of just under 9 seconds, but was accused of using doping and found positive. Now he is back, and he is willing to give everything. Too much thinks his friend, who is concerned that Dan will injure himself by running too hard in the qualifiers. But something strange is going on with Dan, as machine agents are keeping a close eye on him. When the race is there, fate strikes as Dan muscles literally are severed, causing Dan to fall. But somehow he finds the strength to go on, passing his opponents, on his way to learn the truth.
在你我所了知的世界中,绝大多数人服从所谓命运的安排,在生老病死的怪圈中循环,所来所去,无从知晓。少数最具智慧的人,能够清晰看破这个世界的虚无,直见实相。但也有一些人,却通过不同的方法突破虚幻的束缚。黑人短跑选手丹·戴维斯(维克托·威廉姆斯 Victor Williams 配音)便是其中一个。他曾打破世界纪录,取得9秒以内的成绩,却被指责服用违禁药物。为了证明自己的实力,丹不顾身边人的劝说,决定在选拔赛时便拼尽全力。枪声响起,丹全力以赴,身体因高负荷几近崩溃,而他在那一刹那仿佛突破了什么屏障……
