境界都市 2(2009)

又名:The Border City 2 / 再探警戒都市 / 警戒都市 2



导演:洪亨淑 / 

境界都市 2:在线播放

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境界都市 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In 2003 Song Du-yul, a philosophy professor, decides to go back to his homeland after spending thirty-seven years in Germany. Within a week after crossing the border, his reputation falls from a respected global political figure to an infamous communist spy. During a five-year-long trial, he was arrested and held in custody. This throws Korean society into turmoil and brings a big conflict between the Conservative and the Progressive parties. The filmmaker calmly contemplates this long period of the incident in detail and depicts a society with an indifferent manner. The story builds through an accretion of whimsical facts and it sometimes brings up uncomfortable truths which will irritate viewers. This film is a camera inside of us that evokes what viewers may have tried to forget.
韓裔學者宋斗律離國37年後決定返回南韓。七十年代他曾在德國發起示威反對當時南韓獨裁政權,被視為民主異見人士,但他亦曾獲邀參觀北韓,零三年回家於是掀起軒然大波。輿論指他涉嫌加入北韓勞動黨,社會捲起一片間諜疑雲,法院更以國安法將他拘捕。事過境遷,他已洗脫污名重獲自由,南韓人都已淡忘此事。洪亨淑曾在宋斗律回國前拍成《警戒都市》,如今偏要舊事重提,審視南韓民眾心裡的南北警戒線。首爾獨立電影節獲首獎作品。   http://www.hkiff.org.hk/chi/film/detail/10/34032-the-border-city-2.html
