威震八方3Walking Tall: Lone Justice(2007)

又名:捍卫家园3 / 以暴易暴3


主演:Kevin Sorbo Yvette Nipar Haley Ramm Elizabeth Barondes Rodrigo De la Rosa 

导演:Tripp Reed / 





Plot Summary:In Dallas, when the two prime witnesses against the drug-lord Octavio Perez are murdered by his gangsters in a safe-house, the testimony of the FBI agent Kate Jensen and three other agents become the only chance to keep the criminal in prison. They are lodged in another safe-house to wait for the trial, but the place is invaded by the criminals and the agents are executed. However, Kate is only wounded and her boyfriend Nick believes there is a traitor in the agency and decides to bring her to his ranch in the country to protect her life with his reliable local friends.
在清理他家乡恶势力之后, 尼克(Sorbo)辞掉了郡长的职务并且到达拉斯希望与他的女朋友凯特和她12 岁的女儿开始一段崭新的生活。凯特一直着手一宗不利于地区最臭名昭彰的贩毒者之一Octavio Perez的大案。在受审中,Perez面临必定被判刑的境地直到二个关键证人被厚颜无耻在一所确保联邦证人安全的房子内暗杀。 凯特和她的3 位同事现在是唯一能使Perez关在狱中的证人,但是几名帮会成员决定解救他们的领导人。一场恶战开始了......
