战争制造者们War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death(2007)


主演:西恩·潘 Norman Solomon George W. Bush Bill Clinton George Bush 

导演:Loretta Alper / Jeremy Earp / 编剧:道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟 Douglas MacArthur/乔治·布什 George Bush/乔治·W· 布什 George W. Bush/理查德·尼克松 Richard Nixon/Lyndon Johnson/约瑟夫·斯大林 Joseph Stalin/阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler/奥马尔·穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲 Muammar Gadaffi/萨达姆·侯赛因 Saddam Hussein/罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan/曼努埃尔·安东尼奥·诺列加 Manuel Noriega/比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton/唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德 Donald Rumsfeld/科林·鲍威尔 Colin Powell/迪克·切尼 Dick Cheney



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 War_Made_Easy_(2007)_720x480_4x3.mkv



Plot Summary:War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. Narrated by actor and activist Sean Penn, the film exhumes remarkable archival footage of official distortion and exaggeration from LBJ to George W. Bush, revealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations.
