Plot Summary:Sonia (Svenja Jung) breaks the perhaps most exciting time of her life, because the 20-year-old moves to Berlin for a mathematics study. Once there, she soon began to build up a new circle of friends, and then she fell in love with the kind, but irresponsible Ladja (Mateusz Dopieralski). There is only one big catch: the dear money is a bit scarce and therefore Sonia one day, financially, but also from curiosity, the path to prostitution. From now on, it leads a brisk double flight, which can fly at any time. Her experiences are ambivalent, as part-time she often gets into difficult situations, but also gets to know nice people, while she enjoys life just as a student. But how long can it maintain the double game?
为了爱情和男人,女大学生索尼娅,一步一步从一个清纯的学生蜕变为没有尊严和廉耻的妓女。是因为她的生活态度不够严谨,还是命中注定? 蜕变的过程很真实,学生到情色主播,再到手枪女,再到有选择的卖淫,最后为了40欧与4个男人群P。生活最终会撕裂华丽的光环,在一切表象上吐上一滩大姨妈。