
又名:极盗狂热份子 / Space Travelers: The Animation


主演:金城武 深津绘里 安藤政信 池内博之 渡边谦 

导演:本广克行 / 编剧:冈田惠和 (Yoshikazu Okada)



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 太空游侠2:重启@圣城家园by詠恆dē鏇箻
2019-05-11 太空游侠2:重启@圣城家园by神翼杀手
2019-05-11 (2000.04)スペーストラベラーズ.Space.Travelers.rmvb



Plot Summary:To be able to finally realize their childhood dream, 3 young men plan to rob a bank. Nishiyama, the leader, Takamura, a very self contained guy and Fujimoto, an otaku obsessed by an anime called Space Travelers. Their plan is very simple, enter the bank at the closing time, take the money and leave within 5 minutes. But unfortunately for them, their plan got screwed. Not able to reach the money and surrounded by cops, they are stuck in the bank. They then decide to use the remaining customers and staff as hostages to gather some time to plan an escape, but they soon realize that an escape is almost impossible. With the time passing, the hostages begin to sympathize with the three robbers and decide to help them. Nishiyama gets an idea that could help them, try to fool the police into thinking that they are more than what they are in reality. They will all decide to personalize a member of the favorite anime of Fujimoto and call the whole group The Space Travelers. Strangely every one ...
東京市區午後,「宇宙銀行」裡行員正忙著準備結帳。突然,三名蒙面男子﹝金城武、安藤政信、池內博之﹞闖入銀行,預計在五分鐘內搶完金庫,銀行內的職員與客人對這迅雷不及掩耳的騷動,嚇得驚慌失措,屁滾尿流!但這突發的勁爆事件,看在即將婚後離職的女行員翠﹝深津繪里﹞眼裡,卻感到驚喜無比。因為她誤以為這是同事為她舉辦的「驚喜惡作劇」,還滿心期待,接下來同事們更刺激的歡送派對...   銀行內,三名盜匪以為搶劫計劃天衣無縫;卻料想不到,銀行外早已被警察團團圍住。情勢緊迫,他們隨即挾持銀行內的客人充當人質,並與警方展開驚心動魄的對峙...。「搶錢第一!歡迎人質加入分贓行列!爽就好!」就在搶匪提出建議後,整個狀況發生了令人料想不到的大逆轉!自詡為電視卡通人物「太空遊俠」,強盜史上最受人質愛戴的英雄三人組誕生了。今天,他們準備將宇宙銀行的大廳,變成所有人的樂園...
