Plot Summary:In Hualien, players of Mei Lun Junior High School football team are preparing for the upcoming National High School Games, one of the major youth football competitions in Taiwan. It is the last -- and the most important -- game in their three years of junior-high-school life. They are eager to win, not only because they are the defending champion, but also they want to devote the title to their beloved coach as his wedding gift.
影片记录了台湾后山─花莲县美仑国中的足球小将们,在国中最后一个夏天里面对理想全力冲刺的感人故事。他们情同手足,相互扶持。这群朝气蓬勃的阳光大男孩们,接受着严格的训练,为了梦想而奋力拼搏着。在国中生涯最后一个夏天里,他们共同迎接这场最终的战役。 由台湾纪录片导演杨力州与爱徒张荣吉共同执导的青春热血纪录片《奇迹的夏天》,荣获2006年第43届台湾电影金马奖最佳纪录片。影片缘起2006年世界杯开赛时,运动品牌NIKE在世界各地拍摄以足球青年为主题的纪录片。杨力州应邀拍摄有关美仑国中足球队的五分钟短片。这群用热情燃烧生命的少年们,激起了杨力州创作此部长篇纪录片的想法。