
又名:Godard's Passion / 激情


主演:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 汉娜·许古拉 米歇尔·皮科利 耶日·拉齐维沃维奇 拉斯洛·绍博 让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南 米里昂·鲁塞尔 

导演:让-吕克·戈达尔 / 编剧:让-吕克·戈达尔 Jean-Luc Godard



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Passion 1982 Jean Luc Godard DVDRip
2019-05-12 Passion (Jean-Luc Godard, 1982)
2019-05-11 Godard - Scénario du Film Passion (1982) [eng-sub]



Plot Summary:On a movie set, in a factory, and at a hotel, Godard explores the nature of work, love and film making. While Solidarity takes on the Polish government, a Polish film director, Jerzy, is stuck in France making a film for TV. He's over budget and uninspired; the film, called "Passion," seems static and bloodless. Hanna owns the hotel where the film crew stays. She lives with Michel, who runs a factory where he's fired Isabelle, a floor worker. Hanna and Isabelle are drawn to Jerzy, hotel maids quit to be movie extras, people ask Jerzy where the story is in his film, women disrobe, extras grope each other off camera, and Jerzy wonders why there must always be a story.
波兰电影导演杰西在法国为电视台拍摄影片时陷入困境。他不仅严重超支,丧失灵感;而且这部叫做“情欲”的片子变得死气沉沉苍白无力。电影摄制组下榻的旅馆为汉娜所拥有。她和米歇尔同住。米歇尔自己开工厂,最近解雇了清洁工伊莎贝拉。汉娜和伊莎贝拉都为导演杰西所着迷,旅店的女仆都辞去工作,争做临时演员。人们问导演影片的故事何在:女人们宽衣解带,临时演员在场外互相爱抚。导演感到纳闷:为什么一定要有故事呢?   一个摄制组在一个村子里拍片,导演未能为影片找到合适的光线。拍摄工作耽搁下来。为影片投资的人都感到焦虑不安,更何况这部名为《情欲》的影片没有什么故事情节……在当地的工厂里也发生了冲突,老板解雇了一个想要成立工会小组的女工。这位女工希望导演对她的问题发生兴趣,而导演希望摄制组所住旅馆的老板娘在他的影片演出。工作和情欲交织在一起……
