修女日记Damned If You Don't(1987)



导演:Su Friedrich / 





Plot Summary:"Damned If You Don't is a real prize. Beautifully shot in black and white, it blends conventional narrative technique with impressionistic camerawork, symbols and voicovers to create an intimate study of sexual expression and repression. It begins with footage from a stylish old potboiler about an isolated convent, whose tale of passions leashed and unleashed provides the leitmotif for a young lesbian who watches it and the lonely nun she pursues and seduces. As the two women's lives come closer to joining, voiceovers from the biography of a 16th century lesbian nun and the reminiscences of a woman's closeted romances at a Catholic school flesh out the theme. When the two women finally meet and make love, the woman's careful unwrapping of the nun's complicated prison of clothing is both foreplay and liberating metaphor. The film is as hypnotic as a dream."
本片运用象征手法和主导性强烈的旁白,将印象式镜头语言与传统叙事结构并置,探索女性欲望的展现与压抑之间的微妙平衡,性与宗教的命题成了导演对于幼时天主教成长背景的反叛宣言。透过重新解构1947年的《黑水仙》(Black Narcissus),重读修女之间的女女情欲,夹杂电影素材及现实生活中的切片采录,旁白从阐述剧情跳至历史上曾记载的修女告白。整部片如同梦境呓语般展开,又到底怎么样才是「好」修女或是「坏」修女呢?
