重案组女警 第五季Scott & Bailey(2016)

主演:苏兰·琼斯 莱斯利·夏普 皮帕·海伍德 陆思敬 托尼·穆尼 萨利·林奇 

导演:亚历克斯·卡利姆诺伊斯 / 编剧:萨利·温莱特 Sally Wainwright/Lee Warburton

重案组女警 第五季:在线播放

重案组女警 第五季:最新迅雷BT资源

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重案组女警 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A year has passed. Rachel is now acting inspector, joining Janet and keen DC Anna Ran to investigate the motiveless murder of Michael Egerton,. His girl-friend Wendy tells them that the killer filmed the crime and later it is posted on a grisly web-site called Taking Out the Trash, which also shows ten unsolved murders. An eye witness places young Steve Dench at the scene but he is released through lack of evidence and then Carrie Medford reports husband Kenny missing. Meanwhile both Janet and Rachel suffer setbacks in their personal lives.
