Young Blood: Evil Intentions(2012)


导演:Mat Smith / Myron Smith / 

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Young Blood: Evil Intentions:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Raised in a torn home, one girl discovers she has the ability to make big changes, with even bigger consequences. Anavey Winchester (Autumn Ward), with the loyal help of her innocent little sister Anastasia (Zoe Cox), form an army of young blood thirsty vampires to kill all the adults. No one is safe. Will Anavey's dreams become a reality? Will Anastasia escape the cult before it's too late? Will the angry mob put an end to the insanity? With performances by Butch Patrick (The Munsters), Jamison Newlander (The Lost Boys), Lloyd Kaufman (Troma Entertainment.), Count Smokula, Sal "The Vampire Santa" Lizard and many others, "Young Blood" is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat and forever remind parents to respect their children.
