远古外星人 第四季Ancient Aliens(2012)

又名:历史频道:远古外星人 第四季 / History Channel: Ancient Aliens Season 4



远古外星人 第四季:在线播放

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 diverge/tne

远古外星人 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The Mayan civilization dominated Central America for nearly 2000 years, but by the 9th century A.D., the great Mayan cities were abandoned, and the Mayan people vanished. What could have happened to this advanced culture?
01末日预言The Doomsday Prophecies   02玛雅人的阴谋The Mayan Conspiracy   03小灰人The Greys   04外星人与大灾变Aliens and Mega-Disasters   05与美国太空总署的联系The NASA Connection   06普马彭古的秘密The Mystery of Puma Punku   07外星人和大脚怪Aliens and Bigfoot   08达芬奇阴谋The Da Vinci Conspiracy   09时间旅行者The Time Travelers   10外星人和恐龙Aliens and Dinosaurs
