Plot Summary:Graham and his wife Andrea are mired in a functional but passionless marriage. Graham sleepwalks through the dull ritual that his life has become. Shortly after the couple moves into an eerie 19th Century house, Graham discovers an old music box in the attic containing photos of a hauntingly beautiful woman.Soon faint strains of music lure Graham to the attic where he encounters the woman in the photos-The Dead Wife. She offers Graham the passion that his relationship with Andrea lacks, but while The Dead Wife leads Graham deeper and deeper into the abyss, Andrea makes a final desperate attempt to pull him out. Will she succeed or will Graham yield to the Dead Wife's dark embrace?
Graham和他的妻子Andrea的婚姻陷入了泥潭,变得只是形式而缺少了激情。Graham梦游时无意间通过了一种仪式,从此他的生活便改变了。 不久之后夫妻两人就搬到了一处19世纪的奇特房子里。Graham在阁楼里面发现了一只老旧的音乐盒,里面有一个美丽妇人的照片。音乐盒 的音乐指引着Graham在阁楼里面看见了照片里的那个妇人。她给Graham带来了生活中缺失的激情,然而同时Graham也深深地陷入这个深渊, 不能自拔。Andrea作着最后的努力希望能拯救自己的丈夫。她会成功吗?还是Graham永远堕入这个深渊中?