灭罪盲探Blind Justice(2005)

主演:朗·埃达德 马利索·妮可 雷诺·维尔森 弗兰克·格里罗 迈克尔·加斯顿 丽娜·索弗 

导演:加里·弗莱德 / 鲍比·罗斯 / 约翰·班德汉姆 / 迈克尔·艾普特 / 盖·费尔兰德 / John Hyams / 杰里米·卡根 / 里克·华莱士 / 编剧:史蒂文·布奇科 Steven Bochco/Matt Olmstead/Nicholas Wootton/罗赛·格维茨 Russell Gewirtz/Michael Oates Palmer/Elwood Reid





Plot Summary:A heist gone wrong. A gunman with an AK-47. Three officers trapped without ammo. His partner frozen in fear, Detective Jim Dunbar without hesitation took action of intense bravery that killed the gunman, saved the officers and made him a hero. He also took a bullet that blinded him forever. Most officers injured in the line of duty opt for desk jobs or early retirement. Not Dunbar. He's rehabilitated both body and attitude and fought his way back to active duty. His fresh start at a new precinct is threatened by the simple truth that no one really wants him there. His new partner, Karen Bettencourt, doesn't trust that she can rely on him. However, being blind makes Dunbar a better cop than he ever has been. Steven Bochco's drama stars Ron Eldard (frequent guest star of ER (1994) as Dunbar, who tackles the issue of handicapped employees head-on. Unique visual effects give us a window on what Dunbar "sees" with his remaining senses, as he learns to be a better cop and a better man. He has a long way to go to conquer his demons, but at least he's back on the streets.
Jim Dunbar是一名行动组探员,在一次与匪徒交火中意外受伤,双眼失明。本来他可以拿着一大笔抚恤金退休,他却坚持要回到一线工作,究竟这是他的正义感还是他的好胜心?Dunbar的同僚对Dunbar的复出均持怀疑态度,更没有人愿意与他搭档。Dunbar唯一可以依靠的似乎是自己的经验和敏锐的判断,还有他忠心耿耿的导盲犬Hank。Dunbar如何扑灭罪案,重新赢回别人的尊重和信赖,让我们拭目以待...
