


主演:玉木宏 苍井优 佐田真由美 山下彻大 松田悟志 

导演:佐野智树 / 编剧:吉田敦子



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [蓝光原盘] 变身变身超人 [九把刀作品 院线热映中]Machi Action 2013 BluRa
日期 资源名称
2021-08-04 变身[简繁字幕][email protected] 1.14gb[1.14g]
2019-05-12 变身
2019-05-11 1185-变身特派员4+SP(2009)


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 Henshin.2005 變身 繁中字幕
2021-02-17 Henshin.2005 變身 繁中字幕


Plot Summary:Henshin tells the story of Junichi, a young boy who is forced to go through a life-saving brain transplantation. By his side, his girlfriend Kei is watching over him all the time. Junichi seems to recover complete from this operation, but while Kei is thrilled that he is back by her side, Junichi senses that all is not well. Something inside of him seems to have changed and his feelings for Kei are beginning to fade. Though he wants nothing more than for the two of them to be happily together, Junichi realizes that something must be done. He makes a bold decision to protect the young woman he loves that will prove to everybody, especially himself, what his true feelings for Kei really are.
经历了有如死寂一般的昏睡,成濑纯一(玉木宏 饰)缓缓醒来。此前他的脑部曾遭到致命的创伤,经医生全力抢救总算保住性命,并且抓住了“亿分之一”的机率恢复了意识。经过仔细回忆,他恍惚记起了自己的名字,受伤前好像是一个热衷绘画的青年,偶然在颜料店结识了美丽纯真的店员叶村惠(蒼井優 饰),那段交往虚幻而美好,令他久久陶醉其中。偶然的机会,他在医院的冷冻室发现一片似乎属于自己的大脑,原来纯一受伤时致使脑组织受到严重破坏,全靠院方的先进技术以及捐赠者的大脑才得以复苏。殊不知,更为匪夷所思的事情还远未到来……   本片根据日本著名推理作家东野圭吾的同名小说改编。
