



Plot Summary:A comedy of everyday life problems of a "temporary" teacher who leads a very "temporary" life. For ten years, he temporarily lives with his married sister in a cramped, one-room apartment in which, his brother's-in-law sister also temporarily lives. He has a diploma, but not a steady job. He's a school teacher for a definite period of time with a "temporary" status. At the mean time, a boy who lives alone with his mother goes to the same school. He wants to have a father by his own choice, not his mother's. It seems that the teacher suits most of the boy's idea of a father. And the boy gains what he always wants.
西尼沙(留比沙·萨马季奇 Ljubiša Samardžić 饰)在学校里工作了一辈子,却依然只是一个随时都有可能面临辞退的临时工,微薄的工资让买房成为了他永远的梦,如今,他和姐姐柯萨姐夫米卢廷(韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic 饰)以及姐夫的妹妹塞卡(Ljiljana Sljapic 饰)生活在同一屋檐下。   虽然米卢廷一直盘算着将塞卡嫁给西尼沙,可是西尼沙却喜欢上了学校里的体育老师,可这段恋情却因为西尼沙没有房子而画上了句点。之后,西尼沙的学生伊万(尼古拉·科约 Nikola Kojo 饰)和他相依为命的母亲斯沃特拉娜(米莲娜·德拉维奇 Milena Dravic 饰)走进了西尼沙的生命中。
