莫斯科来的香烟女孩Папиросница от Моссельпрома(1924)


主演:尤丽娅·索恩采娃 伊戈尔·伊林斯基 Anna Dmokhovskaya Nikolai Tsereteli Leonid Baratov 

导演:尤里•热利亚布日斯基 / 编剧:Aleksei Fajko/Fyodor Otsep





Plot Summary:As she works in her tedious office job, Maria Ivanovna dreams about being married, and she has particular hopes that her co-worker Nikodim Mityushin will take an interest in her. Nikodim, though, is in love with Zina, who sells cigarettes on the sidewalk, and he frequently buys cigarettes from her even though he does not smoke. One day, a film crew uses Zina as an extra in an outdoor scene, and the cameraman, Latugin, falls in love with her. Latugin soon arranges an acting job for Zina. To complicate matters further, Zina has yet another admirer in Oliver MacBride, an American businessman who is visiting Moscow.
