未来的空中战争The Airship Destroyer(1909)

又名:Der Luftkrieg der Zukunft



导演:Walter R. Booth / 编剧:沃特·R·布斯 Walter R. Booth



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 1909-The Airship Destroyer.avi



Plot Summary:Section 1: Preparation. The Aero camp. Loading supplies. Start of the airships. The inventor of the airship destroyer. His love story. The parting. The alarm. The aero fleet in full flight. The aerial torpedo and its inventor. Section 2: Attack. In the clouds. Dropping live shells from the firing deck of an airship. The chase. High angle firing from a gun on an armored motor car. Total destruction of the car. Railway wrecked by the aerial fleet. Shelling the signal box. The heroic operator meets death at his post. The fight in the air. Airship versus aeroplane. Wreck of the aeroplane. The burning of a town by the aerial fleet. Thrilling rescue of his sweetheart by the inventor. Section 3: Defense. The inventor with the assistance of his sweetheart sends his airship destroyer on its mission of vengeance. The torpedo, steered through the air by wireless telegraphy. One flash and the airship is doomed. It falls, a mass of scorching fire, into the waters of a lake.
