天赐良缘Kuch Naa Kaho(2003)


主演:Aishwarya Rai Abhishek Bachchan Satish Shah 

导演:Rohan Sippy / 编剧:Rohena Gera





Plot Summary:Raj a mere bachelor, who has no intention of marrying is being convinced by his uncle. His uncle passes on the duty to Namrata a married woman whose husband Sanjeev leave her five years ago. Namrata is responsible for finding Raj a suitable bride, while she is busy finding girls for him, he is busy along with his mischievous friend Adi straying away all the girls by making up wired plans. But Raj falls in love with the matchmaker herself. While this is happening Sanjeev, Namrata's husband return and foil all plans between Raj and Namrata.
拉杰(阿布舍克·巴强 Abhishek Bachchan 饰)年岁已高却依然形单影只,没有成家的打算,这可急坏了他的母亲和叔叔,两人想方设法将拉杰拉回他们的身边,紧接着就是不断地给他介绍各种各样的相亲对象,然而没有一个姑娘能入拉杰的眼,倒是叔叔手下的一名职员娜姆拉塔(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)吸引了拉杰的注意。   然而,娜姆拉塔是一名单身母亲,她的丈夫在她还身怀六甲时就抛弃了她,为了博得娜姆拉塔的好感,拉杰开始接近她的儿子,然而,拉杰的一举一动在娜姆拉塔的眼中看来,不过是一种手段而已。最终,拉杰的执着和真诚打动了娜姆拉塔,就在两人敞开心扉时,娜姆拉塔的前夫回来了。
