调查者:仅供执勤Die Ermittler: Nur für den Dienstgebrauch(2016)


主演:西尔维斯特·格罗特 克里斯蒂安·贝克尔 弗洛里安·卢卡斯 弗洛里安·斯泰特 

导演:弗洛里安·科森 / 





Plot Summary:November 4, 2011: After their latest bank robbery, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos set their camper on fire and allegedly shoot themselves. Inside the camper, the police find their bodies and secure an arsenal of weapons. Then, Beate Zschäpe's apartment is blown up in an explosion. Police investigator Paul Winter is convinced that Zschäpe is hiding close by... In the late 1990s, Winter arrests Zschäpe for the first time. However, Zschäpe as well as her comrades Böhnhardt and Mundlos are let go time and time again. When the police find explosives in their garage, the trio outwit the authorities and go underground. Both Winter and his colleague Ahler become suspicious when Siebert, their superior at the State Office of Criminal Investigation, insists that Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt have fled the country. Winter and Ahler pursue their investigations on their own.
1998年,三名图灵根州的右翼极端分子被发现潜逃,特别调查员保尔•温特与其上司兼好友瓦尔特•阿勒受命追踪嫌犯。本以为这只是一次例行任务,却没料想到阻力重重,而这阻力竟来自于内部。时隔多年,追踪行动因无进展而被搁浅,保尔的同僚们也都渐渐离去。2011年,两名银行抢劫犯在被 巡警发现后开枪自杀,而他们正是潜逃多年的右翼分子,保尔再次受命,与已故好友瓦尔特之女夏洛特•阿勒一起搜寻最后一名嫌犯,事情的真相终于渐渐浮出水面……(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
