Plot Summary:A hard working independent woman, Alice, is all grown up, but when faced with a challenge she soon comes across an old childhood friend to help her through her fear of intimacy and children. Only problem is Alice is the only one who can see this blast from the past, imiginary Mary, and Mary doesn't exactly see things eye to eye with Alice.
《幻友玛丽》以Jenna Elfman 饰演的Alice为主角。当一个独立自强的职业女性,遇上了一个离婚男人及其他的三个小孩,生活陷入了完全的混乱。这些混乱,成为了引发她神经错乱的诱因,儿时她自己创作的幻像朋友Mary又出来了。还指导她如何从单身生活过渡到成家的阶段。 Jenna Elfman 饰演的Alice,独立自强的职业女性。 Rachel Dratch声演Mary,Alice的幻像。 Stephen Schneider饰演Ben,是一个富有魅力、萌萌的,机智的离婚男人,带有三个孩子。Alice爱上了他。 Nicholas Coombe饰演Andy, Ben大儿子﹑Matreya Scarrwener饰演Dora, Ben二女儿﹑Erica Trembay 饰演Bunny. Ben三儿子。