伟大的统帅朱可夫Великий полководец Георгий Жуков(1995)

又名:Velikiy polkovodets Georgiy Zhukov


主演:Mikhail Ulyanov Bukhuti Zaqariadze Yakov Tripolsky 

导演:Yuri Ozerov / 编剧:Yuri Ozerov





Plot Summary:Biopic about Marshal Georgi Zhukov who made important contribution to victory in WWII. Set in Germany and Russia during WWII, the film shows Zhukov's leadership in major military operations in WWII, such as the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of Kiev, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin. Massive documentary footage from the 1940s illustrates the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad and other major battles of WWII, including the final attack on Berlin led by Zhukov in 1945. Authentic narration by the Moscow Radio commentator Yuri Levitan. Additional dramatization is played by Russian and German actors.
影片根据《朱可夫元帅战争回忆录》改编。   朱可夫是第二次世界大战时期苏联红军著名统帅,享有“战场救火车”“统帅中的统帅”之誉,曾四次获得苏联英雄称号,被斯大林喻为“胜利象征”。苏联卫国战争期间,他担任第一副国防人民委员、最高统帅部大本营成员、副最高统帅,协助斯大林制定最高统帅部许多战略计划和一系列重大战役计划,并先后担任过预备队方面军、列宁格勒方面军、西方面军、白俄罗斯第一方面军司令员,指挥一系列重大战役,为战胜德国法西斯作出了卓越贡献。1945年5月9日,朱可夫元帅代表苏联最高统帅部在柏林接受法西斯德国投降。
