雷霆神力Surge of Power(2006)


主演:Alison Arngrim 

导演:Mike Donahue / 编剧:Vincent J. Roth





Plot Summary:Comic book fan happens upon a merchant who reveals Issue No.1 of "Surge of Power", introducing the wacky world of Big City where Gavin Lucas is out and proud about his comic reading penchant and longing to be a superhero. This science-fiction spoof is complete with mad scientist, Professor Ronald Richards, his nemesis and former partner, Hector Harris who sabotages Ronald's secret experiment (how naughty!) and a classic "freak accident" that causes superpowers! Hate crimes and bank robberies and fear, Oh, my! Gavin enlists the reluctant Professor in zany crime fighting exploits, fashioning a "battle suit" and Gavin's "Surge of Power" identity, repeatedly rescuing the same Young Man and investigating a bizarre crime wave that indicates a new super-villain in Big City more powerful than Surge of Power! Even with input from science-fiction veterans Nichelle Nichols, Lou Ferrigno and Noel Neill, can Surge of Power thwart the evil plans of the mysterious Metal Master? Are capes in fashion? Why can't Gavin throw a ball? Are some of these dudes . . . ambiguous? Find out all this and more! Watch in amazement as Gavin explores what it means to be a hero, seeks a higher power, and decides whether to wear a cape ;in this exciting first installment of the "Surge of Power" saga, "The Stuff of Heroes!"
一部轻松的超级英雄喜剧,模仿了超级英雄类型。这是一部85分钟的故事片,在35毫米宽的屏幕上拍摄,有20位来自科幻、奇幻和喜剧类型的名人,比如尼谢尔·尼科尔斯(星际迷航中的乌胡拉)、卢·费里尼诺(不可思议的绿巨人)、诺埃尔·尼尔(洛伊斯·莱恩,《超人历险记》)等等。这部电影在2004-2005年的电影节和漫画大会上播放,由Arizical Entertainment发行,2006年3月在影院有限发行,2006年5月以DVD发行(2006-2009年在Blockbuster、Best Buy、Tower等渠道发行),2008年在有线电视上播放,2009-2013年在NetFlix上播放。
