
主演:David Duchovny Gillian Anderson 

导演:Kim Manners / 





Plot Summary:At a South American dig, archaeologists unearth the grave of an ancient shaman. Transported to the Boston Museum of Natural History against the wishes of the locals, strange occurrences bring Scully and Mulder onto the case of a murdered anthropologist, seemingly killed by a large cat. Central to the case is Dr. Bilac who seems to have some connection to what is happening. As the FBI agents continue their investigation - a profusion of rats in the museum is only one of the things they have to put up with - the State department in Washington is considering whether to return of relics.
A team of diggers who are rescuing ancient Indian artifacts from otherwise certain destruction uncover a burial urn containing the remains of a female shaman known as an Amaru. Though many protest its removal, the urn is sent to a Boston Museum, where its curse ensues.
