Let's Get Movin'(1936)


主演:Jack Mercer Mae Questel Gus Wickie 

导演:Dave Fleischer / 

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Let's Get Movin':剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Olive is moving out of her apartment; she's hired Bluto to move her, but Popeye comes over to visit and won't be shown up - at least, not after he's had his spinach. But would you really want these two handling your belongings?
市中心的一幢五层公寓门口贴出招租启示,此前的住客奥莉弗(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)即将搬离此地,她兴高采烈地收拾如小山一般多的行李和家具,期待全新生活的展开。这时候,大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)按响门铃走了进来,他想帮奥莉弗搬家,结果却遭到对方不留情面地嘲笑,好像他根本没有力气似的。郁闷的卜派走到一旁,坐在沙发上。与此同时,孔武有力,言语粗暴的布鲁托(加斯·维基 Gus Wickie 配音)应邀到达,他粗鲁地搬动家具,这可就惹恼了在一旁生闷气的卜派。   两人互相比试力气,但很快就演变成一场不可遏制的大决斗……
