King of the Mardi Gras(1935)


主演:Jack Mercer Mae Questel Gus Wickie 

导演:Dave Fleischer / 

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King of the Mardi Gras:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A Mardi Gras celebration, looking pretty much like any carnival. Bluto is a strongman, claiming to be King of the Mardi Gras, and drawing a large crowd. Popeye, nearby, claims only, "I yam what I yam," and has no crowd, but still draws Bluto's wrath. He manages to spoil a balance trick, then tops it with Wimpy in a chair. Olive then volunteers to be levitated; Bluto pulls her over and saws her in half. Olive escapes to a roller coaster with the boys in pursuit.
多么晴朗的一天,游乐场内人声鼎沸,摩肩接踵,气球在空中飘扬,音乐会当在游乐场每一个角落。这一边,布鲁托(加斯•维基 Gus Wickie 配音)的广告雄赳赳气昂昂悬挂起来,他自称游乐场之王(King of the mardi gras),身体强壮,力大无比。 在他旁边有一个极其寒酸的小舞台,它属于大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音),虽然观客寥寥,远不如布鲁托那里热闹,但是卜派毫不气馁,依然唱着欢快自信的歌曲。   两人各自展现拿手绝活,几番比试似乎卜派更胜一筹,观众圈跑到他这边来了。趁着这股热潮,卜派邀请奥莉弗(梅伊•奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)上台协助表演。这可热闹了布鲁托,他把奥莉弗抢来,以极其粗暴的方式进行表演,两名壮汉的战斗就此开始……
