The Bear and the Hare(1948)



导演:Preston Blair / Michael Lah / 

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The Bear and the Hare:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Barney's hunting - and skiing when he spots a snowshoe rabbit (difficult, since it all but disappears against the snow). He goes after it, but the rabbit is, of course, smarter than Barney. A snowball fight between the two turns into a tennis match.
白雪覆盖的山区,大笨熊巴尼一边滑雪一边在看一本教你如何抓兔子的书。他的滑雪技术可真高,竟然能看书的过程中绕过各种障碍,而且还时不时玩一些技巧。刚刚滑下某个山坡,巴尼被一连串突然出现的脚印所吸引,根据书中的指示,下雪天兔子会利用自身的毛色和雪地融为一体。经过仔细观察,巴尼果然发现兔子那双机灵调皮的眼睛,于是抄起猎枪展开追捕。双方你来我往,互不示弱。   所谓道高一尺,魔高一丈,狡猾的兔子绝对不会束手就擒……
