
又名:18 rin / Rinko Eighteen


主演:田代沙耶香 河合龙之介 森谷勇太 

导演:城定秀夫 / 编剧:高田亮 Ryô Takada/城定秀夫 Hideo Jôjô




Plot Summary:What happens when an innocent 18-year-old girl has to work in the adult video industry? Find out the hilarious results in Rinko Eighteen, based on the comic by Matsumoto Taka. In her first starring role, gravure model Tashiro Sayaka stars as Rinko, an aspiring doctor who returns home to find out that her father is bankrupt and has divorced her mother. With nowhere to go, Rinko signs up for the first job she finds, which turns out to be a production assistant at an adult video production company. Naturally, nothing can possibly prepare her for the work waiting for her at her new job.
就读于私立白百合川女子高等学校的池内伦子(田代さやか 饰)从小养尊处优,不过她为人单纯善良,积极向上,赢得周围人的喜欢。无奈造物弄人,当伦子某天下学回家时,竟发现家中人去楼空。母亲一纸休书踢开丈夫,和情人远走高飞,父亲则躲避债务藏了起来。伦子万般无奈,只得过上流浪的生活。不过一向乐观的她,决定凭借自己的努力打拼一番事业。她四处求职,结果统统遭到拒绝。盲打误撞之下,竟加入了一家名为巴尔企划的AV制作公司。不管怎么说,这毕竟是一份工作,伦子以摄制组成员的身份开始了AV业的闯荡……   本片根据同名漫画改编。
