Plot Summary:The appropriately-named Dr. Elliot Strange lives in a country manor house with his his physician wife, an oddball, movie-obsessed son, and his aspiring actress daughter-in-law. In addition he has a houseful of domesticated, house-broken primates from a Capuchin monkey to a silverback gorilla. The highly intelligent silverback has bonded with the family even to the extent of using the bathroom by himself. Dr. Srange, who is in the habit of working in his locked study to prevent the gorilla from chewing on valuable papers, is found impaled on a samurai sword in that locked room after apparently yelling at his assailant. Jonathon and Maddy are at a loss to explain how the murderer got in and out of the locked room.
A scientist is stabbed in the back with a Samurai sword. He is found in a locked room. Creek is called in to solve the problem。