The Prodigal Daughter


主演:阿拉斯塔尔·西姆 卡罗琳·塞耶默 Charles Kay Tiffany Kinney Karl Howman 杰瑞米·布雷特 

导演:Alastair Reid / 编剧:David Turner

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The Prodigal Daughter:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Three priests share a rectory. Father Perfect, the senior priest, (Alistair Sim) is a benevolent leader, if slightly wistful for the good old days before parishioners became more judgmental of the church. Father Michael Daley (Jeremy Brett), the youngest, is suffering a crisis of faith which comes to a head with the death of Sister Anuncia. Father Jeffrey Vernon, the least dynamic of the priests, comes to realize there is no moving up the ladder for him: he will always be pastoral assistant, never pastor of his own parish. Into this mix comes Christine, a young non Catholic woman in need of a job. She becomes the cook/housekeeper but herself has an anguished past. Her entry into their lives is sure to impact the future of all three priests.
