
又名:后羿射日 / Moon Fairy

主演:范文芳 李铭顺 温峥嵘 连凯 吴家丽 郑安伦 刘威 王绘春 郑则仕 徐锦江 李进荣 

导演:潘文杰 / 编剧:阮少娜 Shaona Ruan



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】奔月迅雷下载.2003.10.21gb.torrent



Plot Summary:This dramatic serial is based on the amalgamation of two Chinese legends, "Chang Er Flies to The Moon" (a beautiful yet haunting tale), and "Hou Yi Shoots The Suns" (a heroic yet tragic legend). In fact, the Chinese custom of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month originated from both legends. By building on and making inferences from these two popular legends, this 30-episode period drama with romance and action has been created. Our story starts with an introduction to Liu An, a prince in the Han dynasty, whose interests in myths and legends sparked a desire desire to pen down the beautiful love story of Chang Er and Hou Yi. Legend has it that the Heavenly Jade Emperor has an extra-marital affair which resulted in the birth of Chang Er. In order to appease the Heavenly Empress Xi He, he gives her all authority over the love affairs in heaven. Hou Yi is a Heavenly Archer who is upright and righteous albeit rather tactless. As a result of ...
