追星跑跳碰Calendar Girl(1993)


主演:Jason Priestley Gabriel Olds Jerry O'Connell Joe Pantoliano 

导演:John Whitesell / 编剧:Paul W. Shapiro



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Calendar Girl (1993)



Plot Summary:Like many adolescent boys, Roy Darpinian had the hots for movie divas, and one in particular was his wet dream as half of America's in the 1950s: Marilyn Monroe. The difference is, one summer holiday he actually decided to enlist his spineless buddies, Scott Foreman and Ned Bleuer, to actually drive all the way to Hollywood and make as many desperate attempts as it takes to meet her or get arrested trying, and no setback or embarrassment (even publicly bare-ass) can stop or distract him. Against all odds, he finally even got a chance to help her...
這部以60年代為背景的電影裡,是以三個高中死黨為主角,其中一人是由影集「飛越比佛利」裡的萬人迷傑森普里斯萊所飾。三人對瑪麗蓮夢露十分著迷,迷到決定前往好萊塢一睹她的廬山真面目。   這是一部非常迷人的喜劇,描繪那已逝年代的成長經驗。片中的音樂也是不能不提的一環,用了許多節奏藍調傳奇歌手的原唱版本,如歐提斯瑞汀、雷查爾斯,也有60年代經典歌曲的重新詮釋,名歌手、樂手亞倫紐維爾和大衛山朋都名列其中。
