Who's That Girl(2011)


主演:安妮·柯蒂斯 Anne Curtis Luis Manzano Eugene Domingo 

导演:Wenn V. Deramas / 

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Plot Summary:Elizabeth Pedroza (Curtis) has been crushing the hottest guy in her University, John Eduque Jr. (Manzano). She remained unnoticed because she happens to be just an ordinary girl who ordinarily adores the types of John, a hunky athletic popular honor student. But there's more to John than meets the eye and Elizabeth had known that and this distinct feature of him makes her love him even more. Through the years, Elizabeth strive and becomes the dream girl of every guy who walks in the planet, independent, beautiful, sophisticated, sweet and loving. No longer the ordinary college student she used to be. But Elizabeth still loves no other than John and keeps tons of pictures of him decorated in her new condominium. When she read a news about John Eduque being dead, she immediately assumed that it was John Eduque Jr. and not John's father. She goes to the funeral, all dressed in black matched with a black veil. She cried her lungs out in front of the casket saying the things she should have said only if John is still alive. When she finally noticed that she made a mistake seeing that the John she thought the dead was is stunned with all the people in the funeral, she run for her life with total embarrassment. Now that John and his vicious mother (Domingo) are on the look out for the mistress they believe Elizabeth was, what could happen to Elizabeth's long life dream of becoming John's one and only love?
