Plot Summary:Aimo and Milla are living together at Milla's alcoholics-turned-zombies parents' place. They save money to move out of the house. Due to his lack of self confidence, Aimo wastes their savings to turbo-boost his muscles. As conventional body building is not quite satisfactory, Aimo tunes himself up into a robot. Milla doesn't like the new Aimo-Robot and leaves him. Aimo's heartache leads him to extreme measures as he also changes his heart into a metal one, one that doesn't hurt. Milla decides to steal Aimo heart: after all, a woman needs to have a man's heart. Lovemilla is an anarchistic comedy trip, a comedy about love, a story about love, robots and bodybuilding.
米拉和男友艾默同住在米拉家。面对嗜酒成性的父母,米拉努力存钱,期盼有朝一日能尽早逃离并找到属于她和艾默自己的归宿。 但生活并非一帆风顺。一方面,她的朋友西里并不看好米拉的现任男友,一心想为她撮合一个年轻有为,经营“通向未来的旅行”的企业家,安兹。另一方面,艾默却不断做出让米拉大跌眼镜的事:虽然艾默深爱米拉,然而生性自卑的他因为害怕出色的女友终将离他而去,情急之下想出把自己变成一个健美的魅力男人以此留住女友,而他的方法竟是拿出和米拉辛苦积累的买房钱,为自己购置一整套机器人变身装备!故事由此展开……