干杯酒吧 第九季:在线播放

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干杯酒吧 第九季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As Robin walks into the bar office, what he sees is Rebecca in a state of undress and Sam's shirt button stuck in her blouse's zipper. Rebecca tells Robin that something almost happened with Sam but that nothing did happen. It's a lie, which Sam is supporting. Robin's return prompts Rebecca to go back with him, and to support him during the time of his indictment. She will continue to work at the bar until she can find another, better job. Sam goes back to setting the bar back up the way he used to have it. As a show of gratitude for the support of his customers, Sam decides to wipe out all the bar tabs, including Norm's. But back with Sam and Rebecca, they decide to move on from their sexual encounter. However Rebecca confesses that it was one of the most powerful experiences of her life. As much as he says he had a good time, Sam, on the other hand, states that perhaps his expectations after three years was a little too much compared to the actual act. Rebecca is hurt by this statement, but Sam's behavior masks something else going on in his psyche. He refuses to tell anyone about his tryst with Rebecca, except Father Barry, to whom he goes for counsel and advice on why he isn't telling anyone. Sam finally realizes it's because Rebecca was both a friend and a lover, a first for him, and he wanted to protect his friend more than brag about his lover. But will the gang goading Sam about never having slept with Rebecca and now never having the chance to get the better of him?
