

主演:佐藤隆太 深田恭子 渡部笃郎 贯地谷栞 远藤雄弥 佐佐木希 宇野实彩子 宇梶刚士 泷泽沙织 三浦理惠子 

导演:三宅喜重 / 编剧:尾崎将也 Masaya Ozaki



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 【微信公众号:宅男顶呱呱】1 HD



Plot Summary:Matsushima Kenichiro is basically a straight guy because he hates dishonesty. He is an employee at a medium-sized building firm and works in design. However, he is inept when it comes to love. Kenichiro's destiny changes after he meets Kurita Narumi, an audacious, self-centered impish female. He becomes serious about leading her back to the right path which she finds interesting. While getting pushed around by Narumi, who is the exact opposite of him, Kenichiro learns about her way of doing things and way of life. He is stimulated by her and gradually gets attracted to her - Before long, he starts to look at a new self and at the things he had believed were correct, maturing into a more upright man.
供职于建筑公司富兰蒂亚松岛健一郎(佐藤隆太 饰)是一个率直诚恳到简直一根筋的男人,擅长柔道的他脸上永远挂着阳光般的笑容,他讨厌拐弯抹角,对待工作以及客户都全力以赴,竭尽所能。与之相对,健一郎的恋爱道路则显得凄凉许多。不过命运之神就是这般促狭,他偏偏为健一郎安排了一个性格迥异的女孩,毫无征兆地闯入了直率男人的生命中。漂亮可爱的栗田鸣海(深田恭子 饰)对工作全不上心,偷奸耍滑、满口谎言简直是她最擅长的事情。   按理说这样有着巨大反差的两个人无论如何也不会走到一起,可是在命运之神的安排下,一次次的邂逅遭遇,健一郎和鸣海的故事顺利成章地展开了……
